Voor nieuwe journalistiek in een veranderende wereld


50,000 missing unaccompanied minors in Europe.

More than 50,000 unaccompanied child migrants have gone missing after arriving in Europe.  lees verder

An unrosy affair – one woman's account of working in Kenya's flower industry

After 15 years working in Kenya's flower industry, Mary finds herself trapped in a cycle of debt.  lees verder

The exploitative underworld endured by beach vendors on Italy's beaches

Dozens of migrants suffer exploitation and work more than 10 hours daily under Sicily's scorching sun.  lees verder

50,000 missing unaccompanied minors in Europe.

More than 50,000 unaccompanied child migrants have gone missing after…  lees verder

Angels of Palermo - Part 3

The Dutch feminist magazine OPZIJ talks to Osas Egbon,…  lees verder

“Windparken zijn prima, maar je moet wel vogels beschermen”

Roofvogels zijn kansloos tegen de wieken van een windturbine. Vogelpopulaties komen onder druk te staan.…  lees verder