Het is avond en de telefoon gaat. Abel. “Hey, when you're coming to interview me, you're coming by private jet or helicopter?” Hij wacht nauwelijks op antwoord. “You know, everyone wants to interview me because I'm the most funniest guy on this world.”

Dan, behendig, een overgang. Een serieuze stem die ik, net als zijn gezicht, dan nog niet ken. "I have to explain something", zegt de stem, bijna smekend. Er volgt een monoloog. "All the people always come and take an interview and then they got what they needed and you never hear from them again. It hurts, you know? Because they are kind, and help you, and you tell your story and they really understand you. But sometimes you just need a friend. A person that does not disappear. So please promise me that it won't be like that? Because I think I can't do that anymore. I had too often that experience. I need to protect myself, you know?"


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